
Sponsored event :

Thanks to ChurpChurp again, and i gotten a chance to meet the other bloggers in this event ! :)

This event has Mediacorp stars such as Jayley Woo and Edwin Goh ! *screammmmmsss* Also well known bloggers such as Catherine Ling, Miss Tam Chiak and Velda Tan !

So what is NYDC ? It's THIS ! *look down*

I bet most of you have passby or walk in before for a meal, this outlet is at bugis, right above the arcade !

And this year is their.....

17 ! Yes, same age as me ! So wish them have a great 17 and good years ahead :) !

This is my seat :) And the environment is simply great ! 

And i went this event with my blogger friend which I know a day before that ! Teehee ! :) And really glad we get to sit together

A picture with hui xian !

We two are quite dress down, because they said dress 17 and we simply have no idea what to dress in. Should have wore dress, but then we look quite 17 still, because we are 17 ! hahas

And the secret room, which is beautifully decorated because it's for....

The PIG ! Ahhhahas, just kidding, scroll down a little more  !

It's for our wishes and camwhore of course, silly !

They even prepare props for us to take pictures :D !

The BIG wishes board ! Spot mine? the smallest circle :>

And a big card they give to us for our act cute moments ! hahahs

Someone familiar? yes, it's the DJ of 933 ; Lin pei fen ! Our emcee for the day :) !

The Big New Menu :> So excited to try all dishes !

Two sides full of story board !

Look at her expression, full with feeling to introduce this menu ! Teehee

First up ! Our drinksss ! THIS IS REALLY YUMMY ! A MUST TRY DRINK ! (Y)
It's call shake affocato shake !
 It's a Cappuccino mix with chocolate + whip cream.  Also you can choose the espresso level, one being the less and three being the most !

Then our Emcee interview one of the guests about the shake affocato shake ! It's not really thick to the extend where you have to drink huge cup of water, also.... You should try it out yourself !

Our starter dishes;

The Waldore With a Hic, so where is the hic ? The hic is hiding inside the grape, known as the whisky ! 
As for me, i think the whisky do bring out the crunchiness of the grape + the vegetable and the nuts makes a good combination.

Next up; Skinny Dip Chips

The three flavors are; spicy chili beef, blue cheese and artichoke blend ! My favourite are the blue CHEESE and artichoke blend ! Being a coward to spicy food, i didn't try the chili beef :( 

Now for some favorites of all, the comeback dishes !

Firstly, Romeo and juliet ! Awwww~

It's herb baked rice together with corn, bacon and it's seal with a layer of cheese !

My second drink, known as Raspberry Tremble ! It's quite refreshing but not really my type of drink,still worth the try !

See how our cute Modgam enjoying her drinks ! 

Another comeback dish ! Picasso Pizza ! Filled with beef, hams and cheese ! The taste of beef is rather strong but shiok ! hahahs !

Presenting another dish with alchol ! I KNOW YOU LOVE THESE ! HAHAHS
It's the Drunken Masta ! You can choose the number of shots of tequila from 1 to 3 to accompany the tiger prawn,dory fillet and clams ! Good thing is, the shell of the prawn is removed for you ! #OhSoLazy !

Yankee's In Town

Enjoy the wedges and the sausage wrapped with delicious bacon and BBQ sauce !  *nom nom*
The sausage wrap would be really nice when you eat everything at one go ! hahaahs ! BIG MOUTH !

NYDC's Birthday Cake. What is a birthday without birthday cake?

The two lucky winners who won 1 years of mudpie by sending the most creative birthday message ! I ALSO WANT :(

It's kinda funny, when the cameraman snapping in my direction and i snapping in his direction !

The GM cutting the cake, while Edwin looking at the cake cutting so seriously ! LOL

The three lucky winners for the wishes !

The Little Miss Cutie who sever us our cakes !

Our cute little fork for the cakes !

And yes at NYDC you can be assured to taste good desserts! Cause NYDC means New York Dessert Cafe! They have several desserts on their menu like  Passion for Cheesecake (with passion fruit), Sourpuss on the Loose (lemon tart), P-nut Buttered Up (peanut butter included), Englishman in New York (with Earl Grey) and the mango cake !

Being a little strict on the cakes *my favourites* I personally enjoy all,but i love the mango cake and the Englishman in New York ! A must try when you are there :D !

NYDC is also famous of their mudpie !

This includes Thick chocolates,banana and mint ! It's really refreshing when you have a small mouth of it !

Then the peanutsssss mudpies !  This is also really nice ! hahahahs !

People In Our Table <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Shirely, Modgam, Miss Tam Chiak , Brenda and me ! hahas

And shots with Edwin and Jayley ! *screammmm* IKR ! hahahs ! i got a Polariod pictures with the individuals too ! LUCKILY MUCH !

Okay, a funny picture with kun ! We decided to do something epic in the pictures ! hahaahsh !
He sang a happy birthday song to NYDC in korea to win a $10 vouncher because he can't win Edwin in the most long-breath contest ! hahas !

Post-in of all wishes, that 90% haven't been paste !

It's Bimbo times ! Snaps with most people there !

Someone called me Sweet?! yes, i'm calling you sweetie :> Teehee

The Goodie bag ! :D !

And Two mango cakes inside ! waaaaa, LOVE ! I share the joy with my two sisters by giving them one each !

Celebrate life everyday; nydc.

Pictures taken with Canon S95, by TiffanyL.

p.s/ Really enjoy myself in this event, another chance to meet people around the blogmosphere :)
