USS before school start
HEADING TO USS FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS YEAR ! Oh pocket, I will buy some strings to stitch you soon ! But still i really enjoy myself ! First time visit you can read it here :)
Almost late,okay I'm late and almost can't wake up, this girl spam call me and making her panic is all
I did :( But still I managed to jump out of my bed and quickly meet her ! Teehee !
I don't know why I smile till so happy in this post ! Teehee
And yeenah looks cute here :P
And some ting ting tang, which is superrrrr yummy ! Childhood sweet :D
In total, we sat revenge of the mummies almost 7times ! hahahs
And there is Bubbles ! I LOVE BUBBLES ! So i went to touch them and yeenah took it without me noticing ! Only realise when she send me this :')
Same post, same boy, same me.
As usual, we ate super big pizza, but of course not only us. By coincidence, yeenah's friends was there too and we went with the huge group of boys and luckily they are super friendly so I'm not really awkward. Teehee
The bimbos !
We look alike? LOL
We are Asses ! hahahahs !
I kiss a girl, and I like it (Y) :*
You look soooo 3D !
After playing the rides for the whole day, we got super duper tired. We sat cylon for about more than 10 times ! And i counted it's 90 seconds from when they move to when they release the belt, so actual fact it's only 60 seconds of ride time ! THIS IS HOW BORED I BECOME ! The guys keep want to sit over again and again but indeed fun :D
Thanks to those cameramen !
After the whole fun day, here comes a filled stomach ! We ate Aijisen ! Really yummyyyyy *nom nom* my favourite baby octopus and blue coral drink #blessed
After dinner, we sat at vivo skypark to have a heart to heart talk, I'm really glad that we both work together at RHS, went out together, and being in the same clique together :)
P.S/ you don't need to have a huge bunch of fake friends, just a small group of true friends will do. :)