Recipe for baked chicken

This baked chicken is by my sister, simply because I don't dare to touch raw huge chicken ._. I only dare to eat. hhahahs

This is the ingredient needed:
Redman- cajun spice
Olive Oil


 About one tablespoon for the cajun spice, a few tablespoon of oilve oil, pepper and salt. Agar agar like hor (estimate)

Then you have to massage the chicken ! So that it taste nicer ! Also before you buy the chicken, ask the uncle to cut away the head. LOL. You won't want to cut it yourself !! 

After massage, pour the sauce made on your chicken. And settle it for like 30minutes with a clean wrap over the aluminum tray.

The cut your vegetables into any shape? See my sister also didn't really cut it nicely, there is this word but I have long forgotten when the chicken arrive. hahahahs

Remember to pour all the sauce on the chicken ! Don't waste any thing !

I don't have any picture of cooked chicken ._. so this ugly raw chicken would be the last picture.
Set your oven temperature for 165 Degree Celsius and for 30minutes.

*Note: to check whether your chicken is cooked, used a fork to go through the chicken and touch if the fork is hot. All areas okay ! If it is still a little cold or have blood, bake longr.
