Family BBQ
This is on a JULY month, *ahem* yes, I know I'm just a little way too lag, when tomorrow is sep. BUT, I still want to shareee !
On the month of July, our family usually have a BBQ, simply because there is so much people having birthday on July~~ And why not March :|
And this is when the BBQ just started.
My daddy and tina ( my maid) always the chefs during BBQ. Oh, and my godpa is also one of the chefs.
This four boxes of food is prepared by my cousin's in-law, and IT.IS.FREAKING.YUMMY. O.O
And obviously cakes are one of the must in the birthday celebration ! Three small cakes and personally I love eating the lychee cake, because it's is the most refreshing. And the chocolate cake, is from awfully chocolate and it is a banana chocolate cake, taste weird X.X
While, the strawberry shortcake taste average, a little way creamy. If you like creamy, just great for you !
The three birthday ladies. If my daddy's friend wake up from his coma, we would have one more. *pray*
*whatcha looking at?* hahahahs
And a decent shot with my my cousin *love* So proud of her able to preserve and slim down all the way which I doubt I even can please. Have been saying I want to tone up, say only. hahahahs. OKAY, I WILL DURING THIS HOLIDAY !!
Cute boy boy that keep hiding behind his mummy
#throwback, remember my cousin had her wedding on march, the pictures are here~~~
Sharing two favorite pictures !
P.S/ Family, someone you can rely when the whole world turn their back against you.