Cuts; there is a reason behind those scars

Cuts, they are prove to yourself that you won't do silly thing again.

I believe most of the people will pass this phase of your life.

Normally people started hurting themselves due to curiosity, but when the first cut down, it's quite shiok actually ( WARNING: DON'T TRY UH ! ) . After the shiok feeling, you will want more, like how you crave to eat  the food you never tried before, and the first bite, is feeling yummy then you will want to continue eating the new tired food, and after eating a lot of mouth, you will release that after eating it all, you will get gastric flu or others illness. 

Totally same as cuts, after cutting yourself you will think you have distress or think you looks cool, but afterwards you will start worrying that people will JUDGE you, then you will start to cover it up, hoping there isn't any scar left, promise that if the scar disappear you will never do it again. But lying under your own nose, you did it again, just to distress again, maybe it feel like you have hook on to the nicotine in the cigarette and you keep want to have the next puff, after the next huff.

So if you never ever try to distress in cutting your wrist manner, you will never ever think about it. Even after a few years down the road of not hurting yourself, you will still thinking of doing that when you are stress. It's always better to start your distress way in the right manner.

P.S/ Just once will make you regret.
