Work with me
Hi ! So a picture of an act cute me before we start work ! :} Hehees.
90% of the pictures are taken using joycceeey's phone ! Because blackberry's camera is too sucky :(
And I'm working at Chinatown ! Honestly speaking, I only been to chinatown's street road and that is because my school have some school trip. LOL ! And I'm really excited working at Chinatown to see those old building and those delicious food :>
First stop ! Working with joyce ! Working with her = nonsense maximum :X hahahs ! But soon I have to work at katong :'( Which means I have to be some anti-social kid again. LOL. And really fun to eat out with her during our lunch time too ! So great to have her to complete my nonsense at work ! LOL
And we gotten some treats for our stomach while walking to the bank !
Thanks david for the NTUC voucher and gotten ourselves with some black pepper chicken which turns out not bad, just a little dry.
Being a little crazy, and pretend that I'm in some super cold country which I imagine is korea. hahahs. I keep telling joyce, there's cold smoke from my mouth. hahahs
Introducing the Chiew Kee Chicken Noodle House !
The chicken is indeed really nice ! It's some oily chicken? hahas, but the noodles is only okay, a little QQ only.
By accident, we order the soup with wanton, and it's really quite horrible :( Everything with mushroom should be nice, but wantonn with mushroom isn't really yummy. Maybe, some older folk love it, but it's a nono to me !
Then at hong lim food center, we ate the curry fried chicken noodles ! The thick noodle is nice ! The chicken is also nice, but joyce say it's a little salty. Maybe it suit people like me, who like salty stuff :X hahas, but the curry is not smooth down the throat, it has a little little bits stuck inside your throat.
The famous wanton mee at hong lim ! The most awesome thing about this wanton mee stall is... THE TOP UP OF INGREDIENTS :O ! Yes, when you pay extra $1, they give you super duper extra ingredients and all are soooo yummy. The noodle is not bad too ! You should tryyyy it !
Ending chinatown's post with the childhood biscuit. The flower biscuit :}