New pillow with lollytalk

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Have you heard of lollytalk before? If your answer is no, please go and bang the wall now. lol~ Just joking~ I will be kind enough to explain it to you *ahem*

They're home grown candy maker trained in Australia who makes their own rock candies fresh from scratch. They are not franchise like some other shops we often see outside, instead they learnt the skills and mastered it from Australia and brought it back !

Singapore's Lollytalk is managed by two special students of their master, no because they are most well-manner, crazy or friendly (even they are super friendly !! ). It's because they are the only foreigners who learn the skills, and normally their master only teach Australia because in Australia rock candy is not simply just a candy.

They are the 3rd generation and having their master being the 2nd generation, their master had invented their own special recipes to make rock candies, and won champion for the annual rock candy maker award. This award is so meaningful because if they don't think any contestant should win champion, they won't give the award out ! This is how much rock candies mean to them ! Of course they win lots of big and small awards other than this ! 

I think it would be so much better to bring you into the candy world ! 

The original flavours only !

And they also have the ideas for presents, especially for birthday and good luck wishes ! The most important thing is they have flavors for the same packaging, which most of the rock candies makers don't do !

MOST IMPORTANTLY ! They provide a "try me" service ! Which most of the shop don't provide, because they just want people to choose and just anyhow buy. But in lollytalk, their love for their candies, are shown in the way they service their candies :} Really appreciate to see how they service their customers even it's a less than $10 item.

Meet my new sugar dad boy ! :}

And really thanks Lesmin for accompany me to there after school !

And their master with them, what a lovely big family !

And really thanks for the friendly keow yuen who host us and show us his love for lollytalk :> With some Acquired Taste Series ! 

Love to be one of a kind? Even for candies?

Acquired Taste Series is something lollytalk's new invention and it's their new series ! LollyTalk is proud to be the FIRST rock candy maker in Singapore to introduce these flavours in pillow candy!!! They might be the first in the world too !

What does Acquired Taste simply means? It refer to something that is unfamiliar or objectionable but becomes gradually more liked or accepted. On top of that candies with Acquired taste makes candy having emotion; just like us.

Menthol Honey Lemon (blue): Cooling sensation and refreshing! Made with real honey and natural lemon extract! Menthol relieves minor throat irritation. Menthol crystals for peppermint plus mint ! And to be honest, I'm not not NOT a mint lover, because I think that my mouth is like burning hot. At first, when I ate this flavor, the honey lemon taste is overpowering the mint, which suit me a little more ! So if you realllly love mint taste, it's a must for you to get this ! Or perhaps some grapes mint for you? ;) *scroll down*

Menthol Grape (purple) also Cooling sensation and refreshing! Menthol relieves minor throat irritation. I love love love graphs and the awkward moment when I ask them," is this mint?" hahahs ! because I keep tasting my favourite grapes and keep tasting mint mint taste, and actually mint makes your breathe better *ha~ha~*. My breathe do smell better ! Haahhaas ! 

Are you a spicy food lover? If yes, Chilli Lime (red) would be the sambal chilli you want together with lime on it ! And I don't eat chilli too~ But when I taste this, it's simply numb my tongue and slowly the chilli feel slowly slowly come out :O Feel shiok and spicy at the same time !

The Chilli Lime formula is from Ross and Judy (their Australian teachers). And back in Australia,

Ross and Judy are the only people making Chilli Lime and people all over Australia will fly to Queensland to buy their Chilli Lime.And because in Australia, Chilli is seasonal so does their Chilli Lime and Keow Yuen and his partner learned the recipe from their teachers in hoping that they would use it someday, and they did ! After they learned the skill of extracting natural ingredients like chilli, they also uses ingredients like chillli padi to suit the little miss and mr Chilli padi Singaporeans !

Also, Singaporeans are known to in love with mango (*raise hand* yes, I am ! ) And due to that, they actually invented the spicy mango !

Spicy Mango (orange): Taste the way you eat mango dipped in dark soya sauce with chilli padi! The mango is really refreshing but the chilli padi is numbing my tongue ! However, the more you eat it, the more you will fall in love with it, that's why it's call Acquired Taste ! hehe

Honey Lemon (beige): Soothes your throat with natural honey and natural lemon extract! This is my top one lover in town ! I can't deny the fact that I love sweet stuff especially honey ! And my daddy will always make honey lemon water for me at night ! With this sweet around, even he going overseas tonight ._. I will still be able to taste honey lemon and miss him (p.s/ actually I won't miss him, but the honey lemon. LOL )

Plum Guava (green): Taste the way you eat your guava with plum powder! With real bits of plum! Top 2 lover is me ! Plum Guava ! This really feel refreshing with the plum powder and you can taste it in the real way, not making your hands messing as you need not need to dip in the powder ! It's all prepared for you to have a small pillow ! *nom nom nom* And this is embed of natural ingredients into the pillow candy, hence they could came out with things like Plum Guava !

The Acquired Taste Collection is available in 50gram glass bottles, S$4.90. As the acquired taste collection is one of a kind candies, I believe that a 50gram glass bottle would be better for us to select the small quantity of candies that we would love to adapt to !

The Exclusive Giveaway !

Beside having lovable candies for myself, I also will choose one lucky winner to have a bag of exclusive rock candies home ! Thanks to lollytalk ! :}

 200gram of grapefruit candies in bottles !
(Lollytalk discontinue to sell the 200gram single fruit candy in bottle)

The new Acquired Taste Series of Menthol Grape ! And if you notice, the packaging is kids-friendly, as it has round edge instead of straight one so kids would not get cut or even adults !

( As I mention above, the Acquired Taste Series only come in 50grams glass bottles !)
And this is in 70grams zip-lock bag as it is exclusive giveaway from lollytalk !

And lastly, a big love lollipop !

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2. Follow both my Twitter and Instagram

4. Leave a comment in this post with your email address

Terms & Conditions:
 Giveaways will end on 13.05.2013, 2359HRS.
All steps must be fulfilled if not it doesn't counts.
And Only For Applicable for Those in Singapore.
Winners will be picked on 15.05.2013

Do Check Out:
Facebook - LollyTalk
Website: LollyTalk
Retail Shop:
68 Orchard Road, Plaza Singapura  B2-20
Singapore 238839

Giveaway closed ! So I used this machine and the winner is xindi ! Will contact you shortly ! :D
