Doesn't mean skinny is health.
*Ahem* look at the title. Yes, I'm gonna be a part-time doctor now. Head all the way to malaysia to see some famous chinese doctor. And he is really good (Y), just that when I wanna see doctor. My mum keep don't bring me to see one. And after some uncle look at my palm and say my body is weak, she immediately bring me to see ._.
Why u no believe me from the start siaaa.
And we waited for 1hour even we head there before the clinic even open ._.
When it's my turn, the chinese doctor measure my pulse ( is it measure? oh whatever, i'm just a part time doctor. LoL) Then he say I have a weak stomach. And he say I got a lot of oil in my body, not fats.
For normal people, there shouldn't be any white white, but I have so much oil. The left side one is at my pancreas. Yes, full with oil, that is because I hardly eat vegetable and fruit which my pancreas cannot digests in a fast pace like how I have been eating. So the oil are stuck there.
And he said, fruits and vegetables are like nutrients to your enzymes, and it will help to digests the food you eat better.
And this is what we thought:
But actually this is what happening:
Okay, sounds stupid enough. Because whenever people are on diet, they usually eat more vegetable and less meat. But actually, the only thing they should eat lesser is carbohydrate food, such as rice and wheat. But when we eat a lot of everything, you will become fat. That's a fact.
I don't believe him still, but he said. Cows, elephants and etc eat vegetables and are so much bigger size than animals that eat meat, like lion.
But goat are also small size and they eat grass too right? hahahs. But the key is, meat will be harder to digests, so somehow we will go toilet and let it out of our body. It's oil and not fats, but vegetable and fruits will become fats. And show it out, so yes, I eat a lot a lot of vegetables ._.
If you know chinese, this is what I can't eat. FML ._.
P.S/ Don't wait till you are real sick, then see doctor.