Tweekly; Dream you dreams

Dreams. We all have a dream. It's not the type of dreams where you have when you are sleep but it's an aim; an ambition.

Sometimes, I think I am leading a worthless life, simply because I have no dream. I only have short targets and always living my life to the fullest, I guess. Some people dream of have a simple life. Yes, that is also a dream. But some people dream of becoming a millionaire. Big dream, small dream, they are still dreams.

Recently, watched a drama and I really learn a lot. Because the actors all have a dream; dream of becoming an idol. They have determination; preserve their way through all the obscures.

Sometimes, I would like to have something to hold on to, working hard towards it, feeling breathless because of the work I’m doing. After all, feeling satisfied after reaching the target. Looking back at all the ups and downs, then you will be like," wow, I did so many things in my life". That is a life I really want to have; a life worth writing about.

I'm not trying to lead a life like in dramas, because they are not really possible. But I really hope to have a dream, making my life interesting. At least have an aim, have something to look forward to whenever I wake up from my cosy bed.

 Now, I would try to look for what I really want. Think about it and accomplish it. You too, don't just lead an aimless life, have something to look forward everyday! :} Soon you would realise you are in your mid 20s, and you didn't have the time anymore. Why not, do it now?

P.S/ Dreams; dreams will come true with hope
