Your path after high school

Have you ever think before your path after high school? High schools in the context of Singapore are Junior Colleges and Polytechnics. After high school, what will you want to do? Heading to the outside world, with an A-level certificate or with just a diploma?

Just look around you, nowadays people are all holding bachelor's degree and not just diploma. Every year, there are more university graduates who are competing with the others to have a job, especially in Singapore.

Sometimes, paths aren’t as straight as what we always think, there are ups and downs, and some people take a longer route than others. And even you cannot get into the local university (okay, perhaps I'm saying myself with my current GPA) but no fear! There are still other good private universities!

Personally, I think that choosing an undergraduate course that you are interested is rather important, as that is the course that you will be major in for your bachelor. And I think that you should really research what you are going to study and the undergraduate programs that you are going through, before you enter your course.

Don't be like me, I actually regret choosing business not because I'm not good in it, but it simply way too boring and it's not my type of Milo. You see? Anyway, after my diploma, I will be like having a new life of choosing my ideal undergraduate course and study things I really like and want.

So, choose your undergraduate course properly, and not be one of the university graduates for the sick of having a bachelor degree.
