Tweekly; hide those teeth !

Hello people, your favourite cookie monster is B.A.C.K ! hehehs

Okay, for people who followed my twitter would know long ago I had remove 6 teeth in one shot, and of course under general anaesthesia (GA). I did a vlog before I even put my braces. Yes, sound sooo exciting that I having my braces on, yet at the same time, afraid of it. Because 99.9999% people told me that it will hurt like a bitch :'( But I hope it will be as painless as my extraction.

Not being lazy, but blogging it now so that you all don't have to wait for so longgggg to see my pretty braces. hahahs ! Okay, just some idea of my extraction of 6 teeth. So GA is basically "put to sleep" if you all don't know, and I have to check whether I'm sick before I could go for my GA, and I was having fever on the weekends and still having block nose on that day. Okay, being quite coward, I asked millions of questions to make sure that it won't be the last time that I see the sunlight, LOL, sound drama I know.

After which, I walked into the operation room , and trust me, it sure looks like those in the dramas ! It's super bright and cold, after having the injection, the next thing I know is waking up with a tube pulling out of my nostril O.O Feeling so weak and cold !

I got push back into my room, and I just have to (is a HAVE TO) open my eyes and look at the moving lights. Just like those dramas, LOL. Then, I just shift into my room and slept all the way till my mum decided to fetch me home, when my gums are not bleeding profusely.

Thanks to my sister, I got so paranoid about injection is super painful, but no, they are seriously not painful at all. LOL !

Went home and having a horrible experience of not able to bite due to too many holes, I don't feel the pain until I ate porridge and it got stuck on my holes, with the mouth wash provided, it bite my gums :'(

Waking up with a swollen face, and my sister said I could NOT be fat ! hahahs ! Yes, my total bare face, without my lens too. #becauseimthatill. hahahs

After two days, having some cracked lips that went all the way to my face ._. I put lip balm like putting some face lotion, I shall intro my lip balm to u all in another post, its real good ! hahahs

And now~~~ My face went back to shape, lol. Have to. And showing you all my x-ray, which might shock the hell out of you. I'm giving you some notice before you even scroll down. The dentists said my jaw is so real bad, not even know how I could chew my food. *ahem* that real kills me, because I have that set of teeth for almost two decades. But~ I'm improving it !

I didn't have a soft copy, so heres the hard copy. I have real over protruding lower jaw and I don't have a cheek bone if you all kinda realise it. So I need to undergo jaw surgery for both upper and lower jaw to fit my bites.

And the numbers of teeth I extracted.

Currently, I'm putting separator to make space in-between my teeth before putting braces. Now I'm still having it, I could feel my teeth are moving as I could even close my mouth the way I used to do :( Really hope that I could have a better bite (*ahem* loving my food of course), and better pronunciation. A bonus will be looks. hahahs
