trip to taiwan♥ (1)

so i had sort out all those pictures that we took in taiwan,and specially delicate to kelly ! she is going taiwan in june AGAIN and she say that i will be sooo lazy that after she return i also haven't even post. so kelly, here is the taiwan post ! hahahs


so we woke up at 5am, when the flight is 10am, because i have two typical singaporean parents (kiasu) that scared there will be traffic jam and other worries... and we slack at the airport for 2hours, which is actually okay with my itouch around me :} we were really mad excited for this trip, especially for me ! because i watch all taiwan drama and those entertainment shows which shows beautiful side of taiwan

so we reached taiwan at around 2pm-3pm? it's a 4hour and 30mins flight, and i watched jack and jill, a mad funny show ! okay, i LOL in the plane and my sister thought my crazy cell is activated :X

 since we were with tour, there's someone fetching us from the airport. u know those people taking a A4 size paper and swing their arms left to right, ya that's the guy fetching us. LOL

the ride to our hotel is 1hour, we got a data plan for 5days at 台湾大哥大 (myfone) which is located at the airport. we did some budget and clever thing, since now iphone is soo popular, we just get 1 data plan for an iphone 4 user at our family, and then on hotspot, it's super waste battery so a extra battery is recommenced !

this is our hotel for day 1 !

then we settle all our luggages, and we went to shopping at night market ! this is xi men ding night market ! taiwan is famous for night market so there's a lot of night market there !

 this is hotdog wrapped with flour, yummy ! :D

 this is potato ball , my second sister is addicted to it ! she eat it everyday ! lol
 i'm craving this after eating it, super yummy ! there's no table and u just have to stand and eat. but still worth it  !

this is a chocolate shop where u can get all type of chocolate in cute packaging ! lol
 this bitter gourd is white colour and not bitter at all ! worth trying it ! :D

buffet beside our hotel ! it's free flow for everything there, like seoul garden but it's much fresh than there :X because the meat is when u need then they will serve it out for u ! and there's 7type of soups ! awesome much? there's still ice cream and cake that is really yummy~

End of day 1 ! 
