5 things you need to know before heading for grad trip.

Graduating soon?
And all the sudden got so excited to plan for a graduation with your clique? Ya,
my clique too, when we are graduating. Starting from planning of the country,
to the date, to really purchasing the air plane tickets and started planning
the literary.
Before all those
started and having some regrets are the trip, do read this blog post
beforehand. I do not mean everything is 100% true, but this is what I feel
about our graduation trip. Ours is really pretty enjoyable, but it just feel a
little different.... from my other family trip
1. What you plan doesn't mean what you
will achieve
Yea sure, you can
plan a full list of packed schedule and thinking it will be a super enjoyable
however, it might not be as straightforward as what you thought. It is like
planning for a day of studying schedule and thinking you really mug from
science, to history. Ya totally, your brain would not be distracted and able to
focus so damn well. That's me usually, like a few days before exams, but my
brain still got fried and rest is needed.
When on a grad
trip, you might think your friends have the equal amount of energy as you do.
Planning a packed schedule and think that all your friends move in the same
pace as you, then you might be wrong. But don't get me wrong, it is always
great to plan a packed schedule, in case your clique is really on task; just don't
carry high hopes on that. Even before my trip, I didn't, that's why I enjoyed
myself. HAHA
2. It's totally different from
travelling with your family
Family is someone
we stay together since young and we all know one another's temper and living
habits, but with friends, it's not, except you guys are roommates. We still
keep a small distance with friends as compared to family, like duh. Thus, the
atmosphere will completely change as how you do when travelling with your
When travel with
family, you spend money without planning your budge, but when having grad trip,
you have to plan your budge, as there isn't any ATM around you to pass you
money. You could go the real ATM if you have the credit card, but most of us don't.
In Taiwan,
everyday I limit myself to spend not more than NT$2000 (SGD$100), which
everyday I have left over, and the last day, I left about NT$5000, which I end
up buying items from Duty Free Shop. Thus, planning your budget before setting
off is always good.
3. Everyone needs that personal time for his
or her personal space
Like for me, it is the morning that I
don't wish to be disturbed till I laze around my bed for another few more
minutes (usually 10 or half an hour) and if I work up late or something
happened that ruin my morning, high chance, my whole day will be ruined. Some
of my friends are the travelling time, when we travel; they put on their
earpiece and just be in their own world. I mean that is totally fine, but you
need to be aware and not get upset over the fact.
If your clique would to mention to each
other regarding these kind of issue, that will make the trip even better.
4. Whatever you do, it does affect the
whole team
Some times, your clique doesn’t say you,
doesn't mean they don't mind. I'm those kind of person who dislike it when
someone kept using their phone, especially for trips. Perhaps it is my family;
we are those kinds of people who eat without our phones on the dining tables.
Thus, you always see me MIA from text, cause I'm not a phone person.
There might be situation that you kept
doing, example using your phone 24/7, and you think it is perfectly fine
because it became a habit, but it is a trip and dude, you should left your
phone side, except for photo-taking. Perhaps towards the end, my clique might
feel a little uncomfortable with me kept taking vlog, thus, shortening the last
part by so much (also my cam spoilt at that time). But no one wants a trip with
no communication.
OR example, having someone kept showing
"I'm really tired" face. That's why I mention in the first pointer,
everyone has different energy bar.
5. It's either make it or break it
Of course, I made it through with my
clique, and now we still hang out to have supper time together, due to my
official full time and part time job. In a trip, you must be fully prepared
that if the trip is unenjoyable, the worst-case scenario will be break it
(break the clique bond). This is one of my friends said it to me before my grad
trip, as there is some issues going here and there before we even go Taiwan,
and she reminded me this pointer. Also, I saw some of my friends who break
after their trips together, with some quarrel here and there. Thus, a great
planning beforehand it required, and of course, go with someone out there that
you feel comfortable and they are somewhat like you.