Tweekly; confidence
Slim with curves, make up, heels, pretty outfit. What you can
associate from these? A lady who is trying to show off what she has? Or is it a
confident lady?
Yes, lady being lady, we love to compare; love to show off to
others what we have. But actually, deep down in our heart, these hard works of
staying skinny, putting on make up and trying to purchase a branded good, do
boost the confident in lady.
Ladies are easily affected by words from everyone and anyone, even
a stranger that just mumbled, “Hey, look at her big tights.” Ladies have sharp
ears, but trying to stay silent which actually killed our confident level each
and every time we hear it.
Even when we are young, we always remember those criticisms that
anyone made. So ladies always feel insecure about themselves. (Except those
angel who are like so flawless which I’m also jealous about.)
However, every
coin has two sides. Some people are alright dressing down and heading out,
because they have not been critics by others before or maybe they simply don't
care about what others think about them. (Or they are those angels that dress
well in any outfit)
Like my dad, he
always loves to say," why bother by what others say about u? You live for
yourself and not others." But as a teenager, as a girl, how can I not be
affected by what others say about me?
It hurts me a little lot when people commented that I have
a long chin, fat nose or what-so-ever critics they can think of.
What is
confidence? Express yourself freely in the way you want? Or simply having a
high self-esteem thinking that people around you love you? Think about it.
Some bullies are
bully because they want to confident. Not wanting to be bully again. Most bullies
are actually victims of themselves, they always have low self esteem which led
them to be a bully, seems like they have high confidence level they can control
people. But the one thing they can't control is they. The only thing they want
to control is the way they look at themselves, the way how they express
themselves; not being a coward but some brave warrior.
All these are linked to confidence. Everyone has their own
way of trying to express themselves, trying to put an upfront of them not to be
called anything negative but positive. Who don’t like to be praise? When you
have over-confidence, do spread some to the people around you, like jam uh~
Oso, when you are over-confidence, please do not be those nose reaching the
rooftop people. Stay humble.