Tweekly; Respect.
"My son hit me again. But I told everyone that I fall. I'm scared to report him."
Your mother gave birth to you after 10
months. Anticipating your birth, went for daily check up, bought baby
stuff especially for you. Finally, from a foetus to a baby, hugging you in
her hands immediately when the doctor sends you to her.
After discharge
from hospital, you turned into a small little devil who will only cry all day
long, but she still treat you like a little angel who just need a little more
attention with even though she sacrifices her sleep due to your
non-stop crying.
Slowly, you learn
how to crawl; feeding you is a tiring work, as you cannot stay still. Crawling
all over the house, and "bang", there goes your head to the
cardboard. Instead of saying you being careless, she helped you to hit the
cardboard, scold the cardboard so that it would ease your fear and you know
that she care so much for you.
Learning to speak,
walk, jump and eventually growing up to a teenager; where most things changed.
You started to hang out more often outside then inside, you started to be a
little rebellious because you hate your mother nagging non-stop, you started to
speak lesser and lesser each time you see her. Everything changed.
Growing into an
adult, most would still love their parents but what's about the little
leftover? They might stop move away from their parents, contact them once or
twice or even worst, once in the black moon; yes when they need money. And even
they treat their parents so badly; their parents will still give in and let
them. Because no matter what their children are the apple of their eyes.
a Chinese saying goes," one mother could bring up 10 children,
but 10 children could not take good care of one mother". In this modern society,
where children preferred to stay alone, where parents are seemed to be a burden
to them and eventually they would throw their parents into the old folks home
due to so many reasons.
But at the end of
the day, do they know that they are setting a bad example for their children
which might lead them to be abandon into the old folk home just like
how they treat their parents. It's a cycle, "what's come around goes
around". You can make a difference in changing your parents' retired life;
you can make a difference in changing your own retired life. You can
make the different.
P.S/ So stop
treating your parents in the negative way; why not buy them food that they like?